My goodness does time ever disappear in the blink of an eye with a baby. I've found myself less than motivated to keep up with blogging these past few months. I haven't stopped blog surfing though, because I love to continue thinking about what I could be crafting up if I had the time and energy....I'm so impressed with how many moms manage to keep the blogging going with little ones.
So what have we been up to?
First off we moved again October 1st. (Yes this was our 3rd move in 2 years)! Although we are now thrilled to be living in a larger 3 bedroom townhouse, the place needs a ton of work to get it up to my standards. This is where all of my time/energy has been going outside of childcare. It will take me months to get this place painted; even the doors and door frames need fresh coats of paint! Luckily my mom helped me get started with the living room, dining room and front entrance. However, all of the upstairs rooms are waiting for me.
I've had fun scouring design blogs for inspiration, especially for kids rooms. I keep changing my mind about what to do with Alessio's room. One thing I know for certain is that I want to keep it looking simple and fresh. I know blue is such a typical colour for a boy's room, but I really think this would work best for all of the crafty projects I have in mind for accessorizing his space.
Secondly, we received news when Alessio was 1 month old that he has something called Metopic Craniosynostosis. Yikes, that is a very scary sounding word! A simple explanation would be the premature fusing of the skull plates at the front of his head, which will require another big surgery when he is 9 months old. Although it's really not that noticeable unless you point it out to someone, his forehead is very narrow and pointy with pinched temples. The good news is that it will not impede his brain development in any way, and it is fixable...we just have to get through another invasive surgery. He also has positional plagiocepahy or more commonly referred to as "flathead" syndrome. I hate that definition of it, but that's pretty much what it is! The right side of his head came out flat when he was born. We have been aggressively making sure he sleeps on the other side of his head, has lots of "tummy time" and doesn't spend long periods of time on his back, but nothing is working. He may have to wear a molding helmet to help reshape his little head. It doesn't detract from his cuteness in any way, but it has been a big preoccupation for both his parents!
This is a photo of us taken with my imac webcam last week. I'm enjoying some quiet time while he naps on this dark, rainy and blustery November day. This is the time of year when the weather closes in on you in Vancouver.
Monday, November 9, 2009
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12:25 PM
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